Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Road Construction For Better life



                 Road it is one of the biggest problem in our country specially in the rural areas. There are so many roads that is not develop, especially in the distant places like the distant barangays like (in our barangay Little Tadian Alfonso Lista, Ifugao, Malalinta San Manuel, Isabela). 
                 Do better roads really improves lives? For our group yes so we are campaigning this road construction for better life because we really believe that our road is important. We want us to have a better transportation. We want to make a change, our main aim is to make other people happy especially the people in rural areas because its hard for them to make transportation if their road is untidy.   


                The  main motives of this project is to improve the roads, because us we improves our road we improves our life. This project is worth sponsoring because we are all benefiting from here. Imagine if our road is untidy like what is happening in some rural areas they cant transport easily, but the roads in rural areas are very important like in the urban areas because the road connectivity in rural areas provides market access opportunities to rural people by which they can develop market linkage with other stakeholders in the economy.
                It will also help us to lessen our burden if we have suddenly appointments. if there is a definite time you will meet like in a business meeting, road is important because if our road is good and not untidy we can go on time.


               This project or campaign will also lunch a website ( and a Facebook page Road Construction For Better Life.
               We will also conduct a seminar on June 2, 2017. attendees will be given free snacks and lunch. We do need your cooperation for this campaign.


              The estimated budget for this project Road Construction For better Life is ranging from
39 Billion- 50 Billion Pesos, if it will be approved. This is one municipality and includes the seminar that will be conducted.

Contact Information

          You can contact us in our number (09353573240, 09553661908) or in our Facebook page Road Construction For Better Life.