Tuesday, October 2, 2018


How ICT can change the world for better for worse

Technologies change us but we need to be carefull because this changes can also be wrong.

ICT or Information Communication Technology is one of the subject in the senior high. We the 21st century were being globally competitive, there is a faster flow of information, but because of these some students take advantage with their learning's to do bad things, like hacking, blackmailing etc. This technology help us alot, but we need to limit everything, because if we didn't know our limitation it can create chaotic event in the world.

My Learnings About Empowernment Technology

We as a student In the 21st century it is vital for us to learn about Empowerment Technology.

My learning's, I learned how to create a blog, how to make a website, how to manipulate a computer. I have so many learning's about empwernment technology, but there is an important learning for me. It is to care the things what we use even if it is not ours and to limit everything that we do. We should use our learning's in a better way.

We should learn to succeed and not to deceive.

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