Friday, January 18, 2019

21st SILk

H        1.  The protagonist felt love in first, but he felt sad, regret, and guilty, since the one that he love died because of he cant protect her despite of his power.
         2.  The girl feel guilty and unhappy. since

e        3. This is another love story that is unexpected. i felt humiliation for the both of them.
n               I think they were experiencing lust because they were just meeting when they were doing a secret affair.
js      4. The girl and Herve communicate with each other through their gaze/their stare with each other. Where in Hara Kei will not going to notice it.
s          5. Hara Kei doesnt know what is going on because they are good in hiding what they are  doing, infront of Hara Kei. And Hara Kei was just focusing on the lips of the girl.

       6. The cup is a sign of good luck, it is a sign of knew discoveries because of their lust fullness.

       7. They cant understand each other because of their different language, so the significance of the glances because through it they can understand each other.

       8. Yes, since it is a starnge and lovely.

 9. The moral lesson of the story is you have to value what you have, don't waste it just because of that lust of yours. We have to learn from our mistakes, be honest. It is okay to love, but you have to use it in a good way.   

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